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Easter πŸ‡/Ostara Special!?!


Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

βœ¨πŸ’• What is Ostara? πŸ’•βœ¨

Ostara is one out of eight celebrations that the Pagans celebrate πŸŽ‰ from their Wheel of the Year. Ostara is the celebration of the Spring 🌼 Equinox is celebrated from the 1st of March. The word Ostara comes from Anglo-Saxon Goddess called Eostre. Which she represents Spring 🌼 and New Beginnings.

βœ¨πŸ’• What is Easter 🐣? πŸ’•βœ¨

Is a Christian holiday and festival that celebrates resurrection of Jesus from the dead ☠️! Which occurred upon the third day he was nailed to the cross. Easter 🐣 is also referred to as Pascha and/or Resurrection Sunday. Easter 🐣 occurs every first Full Moon πŸŒ• in Spring 🌼 and upon the first Sunday.

βœ¨πŸ’• When and Why is Ostara celebrated? πŸ’•βœ¨

To celebrate πŸŽ‰ Ostara it often occurs from March 19th to the 23rd. The main reason why it’s celebrated is because they are welcoming in the season of Spring 🌼.

βœ¨πŸ’• Are Easter 🐣 and Ostara the same? πŸ’•βœ¨

Yes only because they both are represented by a Rabbit πŸ‡ or Hare. Legend has it that the Goddess Ostara had randomly turned a bird πŸ¦… into a hare in which the hare laid colourful eggs πŸ₯š for her celebration 🍾.

βœ¨πŸ’• How is each celebration 🍾 celebrated? πŸ’•βœ¨

Excellent question, let’s get into Easter first.

⁃ An activity for the whole family is to paint 🎨 eggs πŸ₯š. Which is where you boil some eggs πŸ₯š and use either dye or paint to decorate your eggs πŸ₯š.

⁃ Craft a Spring Peony wreath.

⁃ Host either a brunch or lunch gathering with friends and family.

⁃ Give out or grow Easter Lilies. These flowers are believed to grow at the site of Jesus’s crucifixion from tears and blood.

⁃ Go on an Easter egg 🐣 hunt.

⁃ Go to Church (if your religious, of cause!).

⁃ Make and eat hot cross buns!

⁃ Make Easter baskets (if your creative, excellent activity for the kiddies)

⁃ Make something with carrots πŸ₯• like carrot cake.

⁃ Teach and learn about the Easter traditions.

Now moving on to celebrating Ostara:

⁃ Cast spells for new beginnings.

⁃ Decorate your altar dedicated to your deity.

⁃ Egg πŸ₯šmagic ✨ and folklore like an egg cleansing.

⁃ Make egg πŸ₯š based dishes like egg πŸ₯š custard, curried eggs πŸ₯š etc.

⁃ Perform a rebirthing ritual

⁃ Planting seeds in a vegetable stand or flower garden.

⁃ Rabbit πŸ‡ magic and folklore

⁃ Spring cleaning

⁃ Take a nature walk an adore the surroundings of Spring 🌸 or Autumn.

βœ¨πŸ’• Things to decorate your home and or altar for Easter πŸ‡/Ostara πŸ’•βœ¨

⁃ Assigned to greens, pinks, blues 🎷 and whites.

⁃ Crystals assigned to Ostara are Aquamarine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz.

⁃ Deities assigned to Isis, Estotre and Adonis.

⁃ Eat and make foods of eggs πŸ₯š, honey 🐝, sprouted greens, hot cross buns, baked goods, asparagus and anything chocolate.

⁃ Plants πŸƒ and flowers 🌸: Clovers, daffodils, crocus and tulips 🌷.

⁃ Things to decorate for Ostara are clovers, eggs πŸ₯š, lamb 🐏, rabbits πŸ‡, spring flowers 🌸

βœ¨πŸ’• REFERENCES πŸ’•βœ¨

❀️ https://www.bpl.org/blogs/post/the-origins-and-practices-of-holidays-ostara-holi-and-purim/#:~:text=Ostara%20is%20a%20wiccan%20holiday,represented%20spring%20and%20new%20beginnings.

🧑 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Easter-holiday

πŸ’› https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2016/04/ostara-and-the-hare/#:~:text=One%20popular%20story%20you%20might,colored%20eggs%20for%20her%20festival.

πŸ’š https://www.countryliving.com/entertaining/g16765061/easter-traditions/

πŸ’™ https://www.bhg.com/holidays/easter/games/indoor-easter-activities/

πŸ’œ https://www.mabonhouse.co/ostara

πŸ’— https://www.learnreligions.com/all-about-ostara-the-spring-equinox-2562471

April 2022 Reading – Nothing but Positive Vibes β€οΈβœ¨


Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

βœ¨πŸ’• READING πŸ’•βœ¨

For this reading, I’ll be using the Spirit Song by Paulina Cassidy. Yep cards I’ve drawn for you all are the 9 of Cups, 5 of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles.

For the month of April this will be a month full of fulfilment and having your hopes and dreams come true. This reading shows that you need to be hopeful and comfortable in your current situation.

As money, health and abundance are literally on the cards for you that I’ve pulled for April. Definitely show gratitude for all the blessings you have in life and for those that are going to come into your life in April.

So this is only a short read this monthbecause there are nothing wrong and only positive vibes in this reading for April. Which I hope πŸ™ you all do get to experience these vibes this month! ❀️✨ I hope you all enjoyed this reading 😊

What Will You Do? Tarot Reading


Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

βœ¨πŸ’• READING πŸ’•βœ¨

For this reading, I’ll be using the Spirit Song by Paulina Cassidy. Since I haven’t posted in a while I thought I’d do a two-part blog for you all. For this one (Part One) it’ll be a general reading then the next will be a Tarot deck interview/review sort of thing.

The Jumping card we have is the 4 of Swords. He has jumped out to remind us about the need for rest and or the importance of stopping to think before we speak and think.

The rest of the cards we have drawn are the King of Cups, The Tower and the 6 of Pentacles. There has been a massive change or ending in life regardless of whether it’s good or bad. That your reaction or choice has been the right one to make. Which the 4 of Swords energy here comes into play where you need to really figure out the pros and cons of each option and pick the best one.

Because with the King of Cups here you have the inner knowledge and control of this situation. To make the right choice, decision, reaction etc where it can be abundant for you which can lead to generosity (gifts and such from strangers etc).

βœ¨πŸ’• CLOSING πŸ’•βœ¨

Hope πŸ™ you all enjoyed this reading or at least gotten something out of it. I also wish that whatever change or ending you are going through will bring you abundance and prosperity in the end. I can’t wait to share with you all this deck review with you in this next blog post.

Valentine’s Day πŸ’ 2022 Oracle Readings

βœ¨πŸ’• READING πŸ’•βœ¨

For this blog post I’ll be doing three complete readings for Valentine’s Day. Where I’ll do a generalised one, Couples and Singles reading. For these reads πŸ“– I’ll be using my Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


I have drawn the Separation, Stay Optimistic and Wedding.

For some, I feel that this is going to be a time where you’ll be separated from a Loved One for some reason. This could be because of work, travelling, Coronavirus etc. Regardless this relationship is committed (in terms of loyalty) so fears and worry of cheating aren’t necessarily. Also don’t feel down about not being able to be with a loved one, remain optimistic and look forward to all the fun and romantic times that are ahead for the two of you.

βœ¨πŸ‘« COUPLE READING πŸ‘«βœ¨

We have gotten a jumping card which is Romanctic Feelings. The other cards we have drawn is Past-Life Relationship, New Love andexpress your love.

This relationship your in now is a past life one where the both of you were lovers of etc. There’s also a need to either develop and understand the feelings and emotions you experience. Once you are able to understand how and why you feel this way it’s then important to express them to your partner.


For you guys I have drawn the Keep an Open Mind, Healing Family Issues and Soul Mate.

For some of you whatever this issue or trauma you are facing. It needs to be addressed and healed in order for you to be able to attract a soul mate. When it comes to attracting a soul mate, it’s important to keep a open mind regarding to standards and expectations towards them. The more your open the more easier and faster you’ll have a soul mate come into your life.

βœ¨πŸ’• TAGS πŸ’•βœ¨

#Valentines Day, #Valentines, #Love, #Oracle, #Oracle Cards, #Oracle Deck, #Oracle Reading, #Single, #Couple, #Past Life, #Soul Mate, #Twin Flame, #2022, #Family, #Work,

February 2022 Tarot Reading – Communication is Key πŸ”‘

πŸ’•βœ¨ INTRODUCTION βœ¨πŸ’•

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!


For this reading I am using the Occult Tarot by Travis McHenry. It definitely has been while now since my last post, life has been busy with work, family, Covid and all that. Before getting into this reading, i thought that it’s good to mention that we are in a Mercury Retrograde at the moment. Started from the 15th of January to the 3rd of February. Mercury Retrograde is a astronomical event where it’s responsible for delayed communication, miscommunication, delayed/cancelled travel plans, delayed or broken electronics. So if you have been experiencing any of these (I definitely have!) then by all means blame Mercury Retrograde! I believe i also have a blog on here discussing what the retrograde is in-depth and how to survive it.

Moving onto our tarot we have drawn the 5 of Wands, 8 of Wands and the Queen of Swords. Since we have a lot of Wands here’s it shows that communication is going to be a massive factor for the month of February here. As I have mentioned Mercury Retrograde here, to kick off February we are going to experience some conflict here. Mainly due to communication being delayed and or misunderstood. Where it’s important to communicate clearly when possible to avoid verbal arguments and such.

Upon the 4th and onwards, the 8 of Wands here shows that there’s going to be ALOT of communication! coming from here, there and EVERYWHERE. So definitely be prepared for incoming messages of the good and the bad. With the Queen of Swords here you need to take upon her energy in not allowing your emotions and feelings to in the way of how you each to respond and react to any of the messages and news given to you.

What is Christmas πŸŽ„/ Yule πŸͺ΅?

What is Christmas πŸŽ„?

Is a Christan holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December πŸŽ„. Obviously despite Christmas being a common holiday celebrated globally everyone from a nonreligious background celebrates this event.

Why do we celebrate Christmas πŸŽ„?

As stated before it’s mainly celebrated by the Christians for the birth of Jesus. While for others it’s a time to get together with friends and family to exchange gifts, have good times and such.

How is Christmas πŸŽ„ celebrated?

This event itself has many traditions and varies for each family. But some examples of traditions for celebrating is: exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas πŸŽ„ trees πŸƒ, attending church (if you are religious of cause!) and sharing meals with friends and family.

What is Yule?

Yule is a celebration πŸ™Œ historically observed by the Germans celebrated from the 21st of Dec to the 1st of January. Which some scholars have linked this celebration to the Wild Hunt of a God named Odin. Which it has departed from its Pagan roots, which know known as the Christmastide.

Why do we celebrate Yule?

For those whom are German, Pagan, Nordic or Wiccan. This is a time where you give thanks to the Gods and Goddesses for the blessings you have in life for the year. While it’s also about celebrating the changes of nature from one season to the next.

How is Yule celebrated?

Pretty similar to Christmas (funny enough) with some traditions such as family and friend gatherings to exchange gifts and enjoy good food and drinks. Other things are burning a Yule log, making Yule wreaths and giving back to nature.

Now that is the basics and information regarding to each celebration and knowing the common connection they both have with each other. I’ll include some information for others who are spiritual and practice the craft. Looking for ways to celebrate and or things to decorate with. The good thing about blogging here is that I’m able to attach a link to words and terms for you all if you’d like to learn more about that word or term.

Activities and Rituals

⁃ Beginnings

⁃ Caroling 🎀

⁃ Decorating the tree πŸƒ

⁃ Divination

⁃ Feasting

⁃ Gift πŸ“¦ exchanging

⁃ Healing work 🏒

⁃ Meditation

⁃ Prosperity πŸ’΅

⁃ Yule log burning

Colours to decorate with:

⁃ Gold

⁃ Green

⁃ Orange 🍊

⁃ Red

⁃ Silver

⁃ White

Crystals and Gems πŸ’

Any crystals and gets that align with the colours above. Or ones that are aligned with your intentions.

⁃ Bloodstone πŸ’‰ ◻️

⁃ Diamonds πŸ’Ž

⁃ Emerald

⁃ Garnets

⁃ Rubies

Foods to make, consume and/or offer 🍲

⁃ Cookies (any sort really πŸ™ƒ)

⁃ Dried and or fresh β›² fruit πŸ‘

⁃ Eggnog

⁃ Nuts πŸ₯œ

⁃ Pork πŸ–

⁃ Spiced Cider

⁃ Turkey πŸ¦ƒ

Herbs 🌿

⁃ Bayberry

⁃ Cedar

⁃ Evergreen 🌲

⁃ Frankincense

⁃ Holly

⁃ Mistletoe

⁃ Oak

⁃ Pine 🌲

⁃ Sage

⁃ Thistle

Incense πŸ•―οΈ

⁃ Bayberry

⁃ Cedar

⁃ Cinnamon

⁃ Pine

Basics on Tarot and Oracle


Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

What is Tarot?

The Tarot is a stricter divination deck which has 78 cards. It is then separate into Major and Minor Arcana. The Major are spirit-based cards where only 22 are present to represent each zodiac sign. Minor Arcana are the remaining 58 cards of the deck. In which they are separate into four elemental-based suits: wands are fire, pentacles are earth, swords are air and cup are water.

What does Arcana mean/used for?

Arcana is just another name and fancier name to give these cards rather cards or trumps like they would use to call these sections of cards within the deck. These are pretty much used for readers to identify the two main groups of the cards within the deck,

What are Oracle decks?

Oracle is less strict then what Tarot is. It is a sandbox deck where they can be whatever the creator wants it to be. This deck doesn’t have images and words presented upon the cards. While you are given a guidebook to explain how they should be read.

How/Why are Tarot/Oracle is used?

Many readers have their own reasons and methods to use when it comes to them. The main method is to begin shuffling and repeating the question till they are ready to draw and place the cards to create the spread. They are typically used to help provide the reader and/or sitter the answer/information/advice regarding to their question.

What is Tarot/Oracle spreads?

A spread is a layout of cards that is used within a reading that either answers a minor question within the spread and/or plays a significant role in the reading as an overall. There are many spreads that can be used to answer any sort of question and to dive in deeper to get a better understanding of a situation/person.

The spreads come in all different shapes and sizes which they don’t have an amount of cards that need to be used specifically when the reader needs to pull out a clarifying card/s. Here’s couple of examples of spreads and how they can be used:

First one is the β€˜3 card spread’. This is a very simple and quick spread that can be modified to suit the reader for example: Past, Present and future and Question, Advice and Outcome etc. This is a very good spread to be used by beginners to help them build up their skills.

Another example of a spread is the seven spread where this includes seven cards and pretty much is the same as the three-card spread but this one provides the reader with more in-depth information regarding to the reading. But I wouldn’t recommend this spread for beginners though as this may be too difficult to interpret the cards.

How to find/pick out a deck that is suitable?

Before getting into answering this question I’d like to debunk the common myth about being gifted a deck. It is not necessary for you to be gifted your first deck; you can be gifted but it’s better that you are to shop around and find one that calls to you. Now that theory is debunked!

There are many ways to purchase and find a deck and there is more different sorts and types of Tarot/Oracle decks. Different places and ways include shopping online, thrift shops, metaphysical shops or even knowing someone who’s giving away/selling their deck/s.

No matter where you are going to purchase one a method that you can use is as you look around. Keep an eye upon what deck/s really attract your attention. If that’s the case, then that’s the deck/s that have chosen you!

If you’re a beginner and looking for a simple deck that is suitable for you then I recommend either the Rider-Waite by Pamela Smith in which the design upon these cards are pretty simple and straight forward in understanding what is going on within the cards. Another one in which my first gifted deck is the Essential Tarot Deck by Mary Hanson-Roberts. Which is also created for beginners it is a smaller deck that can fit comfortably within your hand and they have a more realistic and simple cartoonish design on the cards which is attractive.

Again, another Oracle deck that I would highly recommend to beginners is the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. This deck is Tarot cross-over Oracle deck which they appear and have the same number of cards as Tarot but aren’t tarot. Upon these cards they have a few key words upon to help you identify them which is honestly useful in all readings.

How are you able to cleanse your deck?

What is and why is it important to cleanse the deck? There are several methods that can be used to cleanse a deck from previous energies ready for a new owner/reading. Decks are energy vehicles in which they absorb an energy which then can be reflected onto a reading and in some cases, this can create distressing and confusing readings.

Now how can you cleanse your deck/s? A few simple methods include meditation, burn some sage or incense and pass your deck through it, pack them with Bay Leaves, put crystals upon them. These are just a few methods to cleanse in which I am not going to go too much depth with it too much as you guys can simply Google or YouTube it.

What questions are suitable and what are the ones that aren’t?

How I will list some questions what questions that should and shouldn’t be asked:

The ones that should be are ones that are specific as this will give a clear-cut answer and avoids confusing upon the reader’s/seeker’s end. Example of some questions are:

  • What do I need to do to attract (xyz)?
  • What can I do to increase my chances to get a job?

Now here are some questions and things that shouldn’t be asked:

  • Am I pregnant?
  • Most health-related questions. They can’t give you a specific diagnosis, but they can indeed show you where the blockage is that can/will/has caused some diseases.
  • Third-party based readings which involve tapping into someone else’s energy who isn’t present during the session. This isn’t to say that it should be asked/performed unless the reader has some experience/skill to be able to tap into the energy field of another.
  • When am I going to die? This is more of a time-based question in which you won’t be able to receive a set-in stone answer for this. Why? Because time within this plane can/will change constantly so just predicting questions such as this should be avoided.

What makes a reading accurate?

It really depends upon the reader’s reading/psychic skill level and the deck that is used. It helps to have an understanding on how the deck is used and the connection between the deck and the reader.

How am I able to spot a fake reader?

  1. Paying attention to your intuition/gut feeling about whether if you pick upon based upon bad vibes such as feeling cold, repulsed, emotional or dizziness. Which are common intuitive signs of negativity where it is either present or overall, just a negative person.
  2. The reading doesn’t answer your/sitter’s question while also leaves you/sitter feeling confused.
  3. The reader will ask too many questions to be able to manipulate the situation and pay little attention to the cards themselves.
  4. Some will be pushy about what they have available for sale and will encourage you to purchase something.
  5. All readings are meant to be empowering while these ones will either create confusion or will be disempowering.

December 2021 Tarot Reading

βœ¨πŸ’• INTRODUCTION πŸ’•βœ¨

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

βœ¨πŸ’• READING πŸ’•βœ¨

The deck I’ll be using is the Rider-Waite Tarot by Pamela-Coleman-Smith. For this month we have drawn the 10 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands and the King of Swords.

Right of the bat here we have the King of Swords. Which in some cases some a man or masculine women who are air signs or/and someone logical or cold ❄️ will play a role for some this month.

Moving on to the 10 of Pentacles represents abundance, family and achievements. This card talks about enjoying the moments of tranquillity and financial prosperity.

While for some December will be the time of domestic and family πŸ‘ͺ harmony. But overall, this card shows everything will be alright and this will be a successful month.

The 3 of Wands talks about process and expansion. For some whatever you wish to work towards will bring about contentment. For others this card is about being ready to explore new opportunities and possibilities.

Last card here we have is the King of Swords. He’s about authority, routine and preparation. The main message of this card talks about practicality and knowing how and when to put reason above over emotions.

βœ¨πŸ’• TAGS πŸ’•βœ¨

#tarot, #tarotcards, #tarotdeck, #tarotreading, #december, #2021, #success,

Things to Know about the Paranormal πŸ‘»

βœ¨πŸ’• INTRODUCTION πŸ’•βœ¨

Good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night to you all! This blog will be the beginning of another series based on all things paranormal. I’m very excited to be doing this topic as it’s a big interest of mine.

I was going to go about doing the whole who, what, where, why etc for the paranormal. But when it came to Googling the scientific stuff on it. To me, it felt like there’s a lot of bias to this field and seems dead set that it doesn’t exist. This is why it’s paranormal, there’s little to no scientific evidence of it because it’s not β€œnormal”.

For this blog, I’ll start by sharing some interesting facts on the Paranormal realm. All links will be at the bottom of this blog if you’d like to further read into these sources.

βœ¨πŸ’• FACTS πŸ’•βœ¨

A Pioneer Poltergeist researcher, William G. Roll. Has stated that poltergeists tend to haunt women more who are experiencing emotional turmoil. The age range of those women who reported paranormal activity is from 8 to 78years old.

Albert Einstein even believed in the paranormal! As he refers to his philosophy, that the energy in our universe is constant because it can’t be created or destroyed.

Common ghost πŸ‘» hunting/communication tools are EMF (electromagnetic field meter) and EVP recorder (electric voice phenomenon).

Ghosts πŸ‘» and spirits are believed to be more active during our nighttime. As there are fewer electronic disturbances.

Ghosts are spirits who belong to a different realm to us (obviously). Where our electrics are they conduits, which they can take energy from it to either make themselves known regardless that be communicating or manifest themselves to be seen by us. With this being said, one way to tell if there is a presentation is when you either experience phone calls without someone on the other end, flickering lights, tv turning itself on and off etc.

In Ancient Roman times, the Romans would conjure up a ghost πŸ‘» to haunt and harm their enemies. Where they would create a curse tablet, a hard surface that they curve in a curse onto it. From there the tablet is then placed into a grave.

In Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½, their Halloween/Samhain is called β€˜Dia de los Muertos’. Where it’s a two-day event at the beginning of November to remember and celebrate their ancestors.

It’s also believed that toddlers under the age of 1. Aren’t called a ghost πŸ‘» but instead they are considered to be Angels.

Parapsychology is the study of all things supernatural and paranormal.

Pay attention to your pets like dogs and cats. As they have a sixth sense where they can detect when there’s a presence present. Such as spending a lot of time in a specific area or room, becoming scared and refusing to enter a specific area or room or even will become protective and aggressive in a specific area or room at an unseen thing. Then that is a few examples of behaviours to watch out for in our furry friends.

Paranormal story collector of a man called Charles Fort. Who is believed to be the first person to blame human disappearances on alien πŸ‘½ abductions. Which has earned him the title, the father of contemporary paranormalism. Interesting, this will be a topic we can cover one day.

Poltergeists enjoy messing with your things. This sort of activity begins with minor isolated incidents. Such as unexplained noises and having your keys in another spot than being in the one spot where they usually are.

Poltergeister like any other spirit being able to move things, make sounds and such. But! They can not appear as a physical presence. Which the word β€˜poltergeist is a German πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ word for β€œnoisy spirit”.

Orbs are little lights that you see from the corner of your eye or in photos. Most paranormal experts write off orbs not being paranormal. Personally, I feel that they do and I’ve seen them myself.

There are different types of hauntings? There is residual, intelligent, portal and inhuman. This could also be another potential blog post.

Experiencing unexplained temperature πŸ€’ drops. This is one very telling sign of a haunting. It’s believed that when a haunting occurs, the being drains any form of energy around it. This is why when a haunting occurs there’s an unexplainable temperature drop.

βœ¨πŸ’• References πŸ’•βœ¨

πŸ”΄ https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/eight-things-you-need-to-know-about-poltergeists-just-in-time-for-halloween-85690

🟠 https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.factinate.com/things/42-terrifying-facts-paranormal/amp/

🟑 https://www.beano.com/posts/ghost-facts

🟒 https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/ohfact.com/interesting-facts-about-ghosts/amp/

🟣 https://terrancezepke.com/fun-facts-ghosts/

βœ¨πŸ’• TAGS πŸ’•βœ¨

#Paranormal, #Paranormal Activity, #Supernatural, #Spirits, #Ghost, #Ghosts, #Facts,

November 2021 Tarot Reading

βœ¨πŸ’• INTRODUCTION πŸ’•βœ¨

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Before getting into this blog as usual we have the house keeping!

We have an Esty shop at OddlyOccultic.com where we have cheap prices and free shipping! 3 yes/no questions for a $1 and $1 Tarot/Oracle card reading.

We also have our own official website as well upon wix.com, again we’d appreciate whatever support we can get. Upon our website, we have our shop upon there along with our podcast episodes and blogs as well all in one place!

βœ¨πŸ’• READING πŸ’•βœ¨

The deck I’ll be using is the Rider-Waite Tarot by Pamela-Coleman-Smith. For this month we have drawn the Knight of Wands, Ace of Cups and Two of Wands.

Either plans or goals that we have for ourselves either from last month into now will come to fruition with the KnW. This month is going to be one of a lot of action and enthusiasm to do things.

Having the Ace of Cups here confirms that new starts and beginnings are coming in and you can enjoy the rewards of all your hard work and effort to manifest your goals and plans. Regardless of whatever these new beginnings are they’ll bring about emotional fulfilment, love, joy and happiness.

Moving onto the Two of Wands here. This shows you making more plans, goals and choices for the future that lays ahead of you. Now is the time to make further goals and plans towards the things you want. As you know how you’ll achieve them and take action.

Also, the Two of Wands here talks about possible travel for some, significant changes/choices are to come for some and others there’s going to be a career or job change! For me personally, I’ve received a call from an employer today about signing off some documents to finalise a job position.

Which is one success for me so far for the month of November 2021. Has there been anything for you that resonates with you from the reading above?

βœ¨πŸ’• TAGS πŸ’•βœ¨

#Tarot, #Tarot Cards, #Tarot Deck, #November, #November 2021, #2021, #Career, #Job, #Travel,

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