Easter πŸ‡/Ostara Special!?!


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βœ¨πŸ’• What is Ostara? πŸ’•βœ¨

Ostara is one out of eight celebrations that the Pagans celebrate πŸŽ‰ from their Wheel of the Year. Ostara is the celebration of the Spring 🌼 Equinox is celebrated from the 1st of March. The word Ostara comes from Anglo-Saxon Goddess called Eostre. Which she represents Spring 🌼 and New Beginnings.

βœ¨πŸ’• What is Easter 🐣? πŸ’•βœ¨

Is a Christian holiday and festival that celebrates resurrection of Jesus from the dead ☠️! Which occurred upon the third day he was nailed to the cross. Easter 🐣 is also referred to as Pascha and/or Resurrection Sunday. Easter 🐣 occurs every first Full Moon πŸŒ• in Spring 🌼 and upon the first Sunday.

βœ¨πŸ’• When and Why is Ostara celebrated? πŸ’•βœ¨

To celebrate πŸŽ‰ Ostara it often occurs from March 19th to the 23rd. The main reason why it’s celebrated is because they are welcoming in the season of Spring 🌼.

βœ¨πŸ’• Are Easter 🐣 and Ostara the same? πŸ’•βœ¨

Yes only because they both are represented by a Rabbit πŸ‡ or Hare. Legend has it that the Goddess Ostara had randomly turned a bird πŸ¦… into a hare in which the hare laid colourful eggs πŸ₯š for her celebration 🍾.

βœ¨πŸ’• How is each celebration 🍾 celebrated? πŸ’•βœ¨

Excellent question, let’s get into Easter first.

⁃ An activity for the whole family is to paint 🎨 eggs πŸ₯š. Which is where you boil some eggs πŸ₯š and use either dye or paint to decorate your eggs πŸ₯š.

⁃ Craft a Spring Peony wreath.

⁃ Host either a brunch or lunch gathering with friends and family.

⁃ Give out or grow Easter Lilies. These flowers are believed to grow at the site of Jesus’s crucifixion from tears and blood.

⁃ Go on an Easter egg 🐣 hunt.

⁃ Go to Church (if your religious, of cause!).

⁃ Make and eat hot cross buns!

⁃ Make Easter baskets (if your creative, excellent activity for the kiddies)

⁃ Make something with carrots πŸ₯• like carrot cake.

⁃ Teach and learn about the Easter traditions.

Now moving on to celebrating Ostara:

⁃ Cast spells for new beginnings.

⁃ Decorate your altar dedicated to your deity.

⁃ Egg πŸ₯šmagic ✨ and folklore like an egg cleansing.

⁃ Make egg πŸ₯š based dishes like egg πŸ₯š custard, curried eggs πŸ₯š etc.

⁃ Perform a rebirthing ritual

⁃ Planting seeds in a vegetable stand or flower garden.

⁃ Rabbit πŸ‡ magic and folklore

⁃ Spring cleaning

⁃ Take a nature walk an adore the surroundings of Spring 🌸 or Autumn.

βœ¨πŸ’• Things to decorate your home and or altar for Easter πŸ‡/Ostara πŸ’•βœ¨

⁃ Assigned to greens, pinks, blues 🎷 and whites.

⁃ Crystals assigned to Ostara are Aquamarine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz.

⁃ Deities assigned to Isis, Estotre and Adonis.

⁃ Eat and make foods of eggs πŸ₯š, honey 🐝, sprouted greens, hot cross buns, baked goods, asparagus and anything chocolate.

⁃ Plants πŸƒ and flowers 🌸: Clovers, daffodils, crocus and tulips 🌷.

⁃ Things to decorate for Ostara are clovers, eggs πŸ₯š, lamb 🐏, rabbits πŸ‡, spring flowers 🌸

βœ¨πŸ’• REFERENCES πŸ’•βœ¨

❀️ https://www.bpl.org/blogs/post/the-origins-and-practices-of-holidays-ostara-holi-and-purim/#:~:text=Ostara%20is%20a%20wiccan%20holiday,represented%20spring%20and%20new%20beginnings.

🧑 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Easter-holiday

πŸ’› https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2016/04/ostara-and-the-hare/#:~:text=One%20popular%20story%20you%20might,colored%20eggs%20for%20her%20festival.

πŸ’š https://www.countryliving.com/entertaining/g16765061/easter-traditions/

πŸ’™ https://www.bhg.com/holidays/easter/games/indoor-easter-activities/

πŸ’œ https://www.mabonhouse.co/ostara

πŸ’— https://www.learnreligions.com/all-about-ostara-the-spring-equinox-2562471

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